Address Data

Address Data Cleansing

Accurate Address data are absolutely essential for a successful working, regardless of whether in sales, in marketing, in accounting or in support. We care for a perfect preparation of address data and data quality.

Our Services: Data Cleansing of Address Data

  • Accurate address data (.csv, .xls/.xlsx, .mdb, etc.)
  • Checking and correction of the salutation (Mrs. Tony Miller vs. Mr. Tony Miller)
  • Changing the salutation according to the language information of a record
  • Checking and correction of the title (even if parts of a title are in first- or surname).
  • Titles and academic grades in company names are being recognized.
  • Checking and correction of von street- and city names
  • Checking and correct assignment of zip code and city
  • Separation of a (job) title from first name and/or surname
  • Detecting and clearing of doublets
  • Detecting and removing of “Nixis” („fake data“)
  • Optional enrichment with geodata
  • Optional merging of address data from different data sources
  • Optional manual „fine tuning“, with online search too
  • Optional creating and printing of form letters or printing variable addresses and letter salutations in preprinted cover letters
  • Correction of address data of various European countries in one file
  • Statistical information (csv file) of the modified address records
  • Validation of e-mail addresses incl. top-level-domain detecting and processing of multiple e-mail addresses in one field
  • Removing of comments in e-mail- and phone number-fields
  • Validation of phone numbers with detection of (country specific) mobile phone numbers

BEWO Systems
Neusäß / Augsburg
Phone +49 821 4864572

We take care of your concern!

Even if your specific requirement is not listed on this home page, we will find a good possibility how we can solve your tasks. Please call us at +49 821 4864572 or send an e-mail to